77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054

For Applicants

The admission to Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov is carried out every year in summer. The enrollment campaign runs from mid-June to late August. If you wish to become a student at SSTU and to start studying at the university on September 1st, you need to submit your application and documents during this period. You are offered to choose from the various study programs and levels of study (bachelor degree, specialist degree, master degree). For specific instructions on how to submit your application please contact our International Department at int_office@edu.sstu.ru.

Foreign citizens need a visa to study in Russia.
After you have been accepted to the university, please contact us for a visa.
International students need a standard student visa. To apply for a visa, you must go to the Russian embassy or consulate in your country with our invitation.

Please, contact Russian Embassy/Consulate for conditions and other documents required for a visa application. Filling out the visa application form, be sure to print your name, address and other information in English exactly how it appears in your passport. Ensure that all information is accurate and that your name is spelled correctly.  The visa is stamped into your passport. It indicates the first date you may enter Russia and the last date you must leave the country, but it is possible to prolong your visa while you are in Saratov. According to the Law of Russian Federation, all SSTU students should be registered within three business days upon the arrival to Saratov with assistance of International Department. To do this, you’ll need a migration card that you receive at the border.

Recognition of Foreign Education Documents in Russia

Traditionally, when you want to continue your education in Russia, your education documents need to be officially recognized here in the Russian Federation.

In order to be granted the official recognition of your education documents you need:

1. To collect the documents according to the following list:

  1. a photocopy of the applicant's identification document (passport);
  2. a notarized translation of the applicant's identification document (passport) into the Russian language with a tied photocopy of the original;
  3. the original of the foreign education document, certified by the country issuing the diploma (at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the country issuing the diploma);
  4. a notarized translation of the foreign diploma, including the translatio  n of the stamps on the document, with a tied photocopy of the original;
  5. the original transcript of foreign education;
  6. notarized translation of the foreign education transcript, including translation of the stamps on the document, with a tied photocopy of the original;

2. To submit an application via the site of the National Information Centre (http://www.nic.gov.ru/ru/proc/nic/prepare):

  1. To register at the portal;
  2. To fill out an application form;
  3. To print out the bar code, automatically generated after filling out the form (or to copy its number).     

3. To send all the documents and the list of the enclosed documents by a registered letter via the Russian Federation mail at one of the following addresses:

Rosobrnadzor (Federal Education and Science Supervision Service)
Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya St., 16,
127994, Moscow

Put a note on the envelope «nostrification»,

FGBNU «Glaveskpertcentr» (Main Government Expert Centre for Estimation of Education)
Leninsky Prospekt 6, BLD. 3
119049 Moscow.

Put a note on the envelope «nostrification». 

4. To pay the fee for the nostrification certificate (4000 rubles) after receiving the receipt of Federal Education and Science Supervision Service («documents are under review») via e-mail.


We are glad to help you find accommodation according to your needs: comfortable supervised student residence halls, equipped with everything you might need within 5-minutes walk in campus, or maybe individual apartments, or living with a Russian host family.

The residence hall’s rooms are usually shared by two or three students. Each floor has a common meeting room. There is bed linen at the dorm, small towel and some of kitchen stuff. Bathrooms and showers are also for common use.

Wi-Fi is available in lobby of the residence hall.


There are a lot of opportunities – 4 canteens and student cafes at SSTU or common kitchens where you can cook according to your needs are available at each floor of students residence halls. There is a great number of Russian and ethnic restaurants all around the city.

Electricity: 220 V Computers & Internet

Every student is provided by free access to university’s computer classes and library electronic resources.


• Applicants and students of the University will be assisted by English-speaking students and/or staff. A representative of the SSTU International Department will be available to answer all your questions at the office hours.

Student's health and wellbeing

• It is extremely important that you obtain travel insurance in your own country so you could protect yourself.
• All international students need to have adequate insurance to cover any medical care or accidents while they are in Russia as well as possible repatriation to their home country in the event of medical emergency.

The University staff will assist you to recommend any insurance company. In case of emergency you will be provided with medical assistance of professional doctors. However we believe you won't need any.


The climate in Saratov is moderate, typical of the Lower Volga region. In the past winters were very cold, and frost and snow were common, but more recently that seems to have changed. The city still occasionally suffers intensely cold weather when the temperature falls to -28°C, but generally winters are not very cold - it is much more likely to rain (especially around New Year's Eve, so white Christmases are a long-awaited event here as well). If visiting Saratov in winter, you should take a raincoat and good waterproof shoes, otherwise walking on the sleety pavement can be hazardous. During the second half of winter the weather becomes stable with thick snow cover and moderate frost.

Between the end of December and the beginning of April, the Volga is covered with firm, durable ice thick enough for people to go ice-fishing.  

Summer can be crazy in the Saratov region. Rains are almost as frequent as sunny and hot days. The latter come in the second half of July and stay until the end of summer. These days the weather sometimes gets sweltering; fortunately we have many beaches on the Volga banks and islands which make good places to escape the exhausting heat. Thus, +35°C and low humidity at daytime are normal for this part of the season.

How to get to Saratov

 Saratov is situated about 900 km (ca. 600 miles) from Moscow. 
Every day there are two direct trains leaving Moscow (Paveletsky Station) for Saratov. The trains are safe but that doesn’t mean you leave your luggage unattended!  

Every day there are several flights from Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo (Moscow) to Saratov.

As both prices and time-tables are subject to change, please ask before you go! We are at GMT +4 time zone.

Once you arrive to the airport and collect your luggage you will need to take aero-express train to Moscow city center. If you travel from Domodedovo Airport the train arrives to Paveletsky Train Station  in 35 minutes. This is the train station you will catch your train to Saratov. If your flight arrives to a different airport, please let us know and we will explain you how to get to Train station.  

We recommend that you will print the jpeg file with the note we made for which says that you need to exchange you electronic tickets to hard copies (actual paper-based tickets). You can show it to anyone who works at the station and they will help you to find your way. Remember you do not have to queue to issue your tickets. Just show your electronic printed versions and passports. Once you get your hard copies of tickets proceed to boarding the train. The schedule boards at the Station will show your train number, platform and time of departure. Usually you can board 40-50 minutes before departure. If you have time before train get some food with you as you there will be only restaurant in the train which is expensive and only accepts cash.

To help you with explanations please send us copies of your tickets or the following information:   

  • Train number  
  • Date and time of arrival  
  • Carriage number (wagon)