77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054

The meeting with the representatives of «SIMATEX» took place at SSTU

The meeting with the representatives of «SIMATEX» took place at SSTU

The delegation of the organization «Simatex» (Moscow) visited Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. The delegation included Vassuf Feras- Deputy CEO, Durze Diyaa- Regional Manager for Work with International Students. The University was represented by the Vice-rector for International Relations Tatiana Kasaeva, Head of the International Relations Department Evgeniya Tokareva and Deputy Head Ilya Terentev.

During the meeting, the prospects of cooperation in the field of education and science were discussed. During the discussion, Vassuf Feras paid attention to the high interest of foreign applicants to the Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov due to the high qualification of the teaching staff, great material and technical base and great demand for graduates among foreign employers. This also can be explained by the high positions of the university in various ratings of higher educational institutions in Russia.

Traditionally, the guests of the university were given a tour of the museums of natural science, history and radio SSTU.

SSTU regularly takes part in virtual educational fairs-exhibitions SIMATEX Virtual fairs.