77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054

International Relations Office

Tel./fax: +7(8452)99-87-10, 99-87-09

E-mail: international.sstu@gmail.com; international@sstu.ru

Address: Yuri Gagarin  State Technical University of Saratov

77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054

Natalia Sergeeva
Natalia Sergeeva 
Head of Department of International Cooperation and Foreign Economic Relations

 Marina Zlobina

Marina Zlobina
Head of the Passport and Visa Service

Ulyana Shakirova.jpg Ulyana Shakirova
Tutor of International Student Office

Rafik Ibrahimov.jpg Rafik Ibrahimov
Tutor of International Student Office

Григорьева-s.jpg Olga Grigoryeva
Tutor of International Student Office

Ruchin-Vladimir-Alekseevich_khkhkhkh_ruchin_va_480.jpg Vladimir Ruchin
Head of Center

Tel./fax: +7(8452) 99-89-47

E-mail: r-vl@yandex.ru;

Address: Yuri Gagarin  State Technical University of Saratov

77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054