Professional Training College
The College is one of the biggest in the Russian Federation. About 4,000 students are enrolled in 24 vocational training Programs including 15 Programs designed to meet the demand for factory and office workers.
The College provides students with a strong theoretical foundation and laboratory practicals that build confidence to put into practice the skills and techniques acquired throughout the course. It has has its own unique training infrastructure, including the Production and Training Centre «Metalist», the Production and Training Centre for Diagnostics, Maintenance and Automobile Transport Repair.
The College facilitates research, creative and sports activities of the students to enhance their professional, cultural and social development and to determine their potential essential to become top quality specialists.
The College houses the Public Museum named after Yuri Gagarin and has been presenting its exhibition since January 5, 1965. The museum has a unique collection of more than 7 thousand unique exhibits.
To enrich the learning experiences of the students, it carries out various activities and organizes cultural events. Four years ago the Museum launched the Festival in honour of Yuri Gagarin which in 2017 gained the status of an international event.
Contact info: tel. +7 8452 235125,,
- Law and Law Enforcement
- Information Technology
- Physical Culture
- Fire and Emergencies Safety
- Technical Specialties
- Electrical Engineering Specialties
- Transport Maintenance and Transportation Management
- Technical and Law Specialties
- Technical and Socio-Pedagogical Specialties

Study programs of professional education
- Network and system administration
- Information systems and programming
- Information security of automated systems
- Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical facilities
- Mechanical engineering technology
- Installation, maintenance and repairs of industrial machinery
- Equipment of technological process automation and manufacturing
- Emergencies protection
- Fire safety
- Development and operation of oil and gas fields
- Building and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage plants
- Welding industries
- Transportation organization and management
- Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and vehicle component parts
- Products, processes and services quality management
- Law and social security organization
- Law enforcement
- Physical culture
- Economics and accounting
- Commerce
- Commodity merchandising and commodities expert quality report
- Banking
- Advertising
- Tourism
- Archives and records management
- Design
- Decorative and applied arts and crafts