
Denisov Aleksandr Sergeevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences , ProfessorProfessor of the Department of Organization of Transportation, Traffic Safety and Automobile Service
Contact information
- +7 (8452) 99-87-52
Scientific interests
- Theoretical developments and experimental studies of the theory of the formation of resource-saving operating and repair cycles of machines.
Main Publications
- Safonov V.V., Azarov A.S., Venskaitis V.V., Mukhin V.A., Denisov A.S., Baskov V.N. Experimental Evaluation Of Efficiency Of Grease Modified By Products Of Plasma Recondensation. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (LJITEE). ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-5 March, 2019. P. 479-483.
- Denisov A. S., , Feklin E. V., Sovershenstvovanie upravleniya tekhnicheskim sostoyaniem passazhirskogo parka megapolisa. SA. Gruzovik, 2019, № 10. S. 32-36.
- Denisov A. S., Verhutov A. A., Gorshenina E. YU. Teoreticheskie predposylki vibroakusticheskoj defektovki kolenchatogo vala avtotraktornyh dvigatelej // Nauchnaya zhizn'. 2019 T. 14 Vyp. 11 S. 1714–1723. DOI: 10.35679/1991-9476-2019-14-11-1714-1723
- Denisov A.S., Kulakov A.T., Nosov A.O. Tyuning smazochnyh sistem avtotraktornyh dvigatelej: monografiya / A.S. Denisov, A.T. Kulakov, A.O. Nosov. Saratov: Sarat. gos. tekhn. un-t, 2019. 200 s
- Denisov A.S., Feklin E.V. Sovershenstvovanie servisa avtobusov v usloviyah megapolisov monografiya / A.S. Denisov, E.V. Feklin. Saratov: Sarat. gos. tekhn. un-t, 2020. 165 s.
- A.S. Denisov, V. N Baskov, A.S. Grebennikov, S.A. Grebennikov, А.О. Nosov. The Rationale for Limiting the Diagnostic Parameters of Motor Oil Engine. Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Polytechnic,77, Saratov 410054, Russian Federation. Change of Carrying Shaft Innovative Capacity in The Process of Growth of Fatal Cracks Aleksandr Denisov1, Artur Asoyan1 , AlexeyVerkhutov1, Natalija Kokodeeva1 , and Dmitrij Nikitin1 1Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, 77 Politekhnicheskaya str., Saratov, (15, 01, 2021) 1-6.
- Denisov A.S., Feklin E.V. Logistichsekiaya regional'naya sistema tekhnicheskogo servisa avtotraktornoj tekhniki. S.77-88, Nauchnaya zhizn'. T. 16, vyp. 1 (113), 2021 g.
- Denisov A.S., Nosov A.O., Biniyazov A.M., Kondaurov A.YU. Effektivnost' regulirovaniya urovnya masla v avtotraktornyh dizelyah. Nauchnaya zhizn'. T. 16, vyp. 2(114), 2021 g. (VAK). S. 186-194.
- Denisov A.S., Nosov A.O., CHencov N.A., Kondaurov A.YU. Metodika ocenki effektivnosti sredstv tyuninga smazochnoj sistemy avtotraktornyh dvigatelej. S. 359-365. Nauchnaya zhizn'. T. 16, vyp. 3(115), 2021 g. (VAK).
- Denisov A.S., Snarskij S.V., Simakin A.A., Kovalenko M. YU. Algoritm bortovogo diagnostirovaniya smazochnoj sistemy avtomobil'nogo dizelya. S. 378-386. Nauchnaya zhizn'. T. 15, vyp. 3(103), 2020 g.