Institute of Physics and Technology
The Institute of Physics and Technology offers a wide range of programs, including full-time and part-time Bachelor, Master and PhD courses. It cooperates in various research areas with the leading universities in the US, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Mexico, Greece, and Portugal.
Starting from their first year, the students are involved in investigations, participate in international and all- Russian conferences, competitions, receive scholarships and grants.
Contact info: tel. +7 8452 99-86-49, 99-87-00,
- Applied Mathematics and System Analysis
- Mathematics and Modeling
- Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Materials
- Physics

Research & Technological Internships for Foreign Students
Study Programs
Bachelor Degree Programs- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Technical Physics
- Chemical Technology
- System Analysis and Management
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Technical Physics
- Chemical Technology
- Energy and Resource Saving Processes in Chemical Technology
- System Analysis and Management
- Mathematics and Mechanics
- Physics and Astronomy
- Chemical Sciences
- Chemical Technolog

Research Areas
- Research and development of implantable medical structures with special biocompatible coatings
- Nanotechnology and technology of new materials, including ceramic, polymer, glassy, composite and nanomaterials
- Assessment of technological impact on the environment and biosystems, development of their safety rehabilitation methods
- Development a system of high frequency radio signals processing for civil and military applications
- Development of optical and laser diagnostics methods for the biomedicine and materials science
- Research and synthesis of the properties of structurally disordered functional materials for nanophotonics, nanoplasmonics and nanoelectronics