This week the management of the International Relations Department held a meeting with foreign students of the Engels Technological Institute of SSTU

More than 100 students from Uzbekistan, Egypt, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan study at ETI.
The institute carries out active international cooperation. An agreement signed with the Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology (Uzbekistan) allows foreign students to study continuously in several educational programmes. In addition, cooperation also takes place in the scientific area with the joint participation of Uzbekistan and Russia in international conferences.
During the meeting, Tatiana Kasaeva, Vice-rector for International Relations and Cooperation with authorities of the SSTU, told the students about innovations in legislation concerning the stay of foreign citizens in Russia. They also discussed the necessity to extend their VHI policy and the possibility to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This knowledge will help make the stay of foreign students comfortable and legitimate.
As a reminder, a vaccination campaign against coronavirus infection for international students started in November last year. The technical university found an opportunity to provide the vaccine to all those who wished to do so free of cost.
For your information:
SSTU has an International Students' Association in operation. Within its framework, students visit excursions, museums, theatres and hold events, during which students tell about the customs, history and culture of their native countries. The next meeting of the Association will be held in February.