A foreign student told how he achieved success in his homeland after studying at Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov

Foreign students increasingly prefer to get higher education in Russia, which is rightfully considered one of the most prestigious. This is also the opinion of Saif Najm Abed, a citizen of Iraq, who graduated in 2020 from Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov.
"My parents fully supported me throughout the whole process of admission and choice of specialty. It was hard to leave home, but the main thing was to decide to take this step. When entering the master's program, I chose a university that is highly ranked in Russia in technical education," Saif Najm Abed says.
The foreign student studied in the master's program at SSTU in the field of "Electricity and electrical engineering" at the Institute of Power Engineering. In 2020, under the guidance of Ivan Artyukhov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department, he prepared and defended his master's thesis with honors on "Application of photovoltaic converters for power supply in remote areas of Iraq".
During his two years at the technical university, Saif Najm Abed mastered the Russian language well, which helped him get a job as an engineer at Gazprom Neft Badra, which is the operator of the Badra field, located in Wasit province in eastern Iraq.
Saif Najm Abed recalls his years of training with particular warmth and gratitude:
"I am sure that a quality education is the basis for a future career. In Russia I got experience in an international environment, learned to adapt to new conditions, which is highly appreciated by employers. Polytechnic gave me fundamental knowledge in many disciplines, skills and abilities necessary for life, as well as allowed me to expand my horizons and become a truly sought-after specialist in my homeland," admits Saif.