Gagarin's students took part in international forums

Students of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov became participants of annual bilateral youth events - Russian-Kyrgyz youth meeting and Russian-Tajik forum held in Moscow as well as Russian-Kazakh forum "Young scientists" in Samara. The Forums were organized by MIREA - Russian Technological University, National Council of Youth and Children Associations of Russia, Moscow State University Information and Analytical Centre for the Study of Social and Political Processes in the Post- Soviet Space with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Olga Klinger, a 3rd year student of the Institute of Applied Information Technology and Communications took part in the Russian-Kyrgyz youth-student meeting. The event was dedicated to the Year of Science and Technology in Russia.
"The programme of the forum was very rich and interesting - speeches of experts, interactives, master classes. But the main thing was new acquaintances and an opportunity to communicate with students from other countries. Participation in joint activities and sharing experiences helped us to become closer. Talking to the students, I learned a lot about the culture of Kyrgyzstan. I talked about the history and culture of our country. We shared our experiences about studying in our universities. And we just had a good time! I hope that our friendship and cooperation with the guys from Kyrgyzstan will continue. I thank my home university, Gagarin State Technical University, for the opportunity to be in such a wonderful event, "- shared her impressions Olga.
Science, innovations and actual projects of student cooperation were the main topics of the Russian- Tajik forum. Yakov Vdovin, a 3rd year student of the Institute of Energy, and Danileiko Olga, a 3rd year student of the Institute of Electronic Engineering and Instrumentation, became participants of the event. The main purpose of which is to develop bilateral youth cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan.
"It was my first time at the event of such scale and I am grateful that SSTU provided me with such an opportunity. This forum helped me to establish contacts with like-minded people from another country, with whom it was possible to discuss topical issues. Taking part in an event of this format makes you feel like a member of a powerful international team. I very much hope to take part in other forums in the future. It's a great chance to improve my communication skills," Yakov said.
Yelizaveta Desyatkina, a 3-year student of the Institute of Applied Information Technologies and Communications represented SSTU at the Russian-Kazakh Forum "Young Scientists": new look at youth scientific cooperation. The forum was devoted to development of science of both countries. Its participants were young scientists, representatives of scientific communities, university specialists, heads of youth projects from different cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. The forum programme consisted of three thematic sessions, two discussion panels as well as a master class on building communication. Experts from Russian and Kazakhstani research organisations spoke at the forum.