IT competition "Digital Wind"
Every year SSTU holds the international competition of computer works among schoolchildren and university students "Digital Wind". The purpose of the competition is to reveal the intellectual potential of young people in the IT field, to draw attention to the latest information technologies. The age of participants is from 7 to 25 years old. The partners of the Digital Wind are major Saratov IT companies: divisions of Epam Systems, Neoflex, NetCracker, Grid Dynamics and others.
The IT marathon for schoolchildren and university students is held within the framework of the competition. The IT professionals offer the master – classes for the SSTU students:
April 23
Design Thinking.
April 27
SAP technologies.
Code ring.
April 30
Up-to-date business promotion tools in 2021.
What testers really do.
If you are interested in the state of the art IT technologies, you are welcome to sign up for a master class, follow the link.