"Miss and Mister Student of the Saratov region 2022" contest was held at the Saratov State Technical University

The annual regional competition of intelligence, creativity, sports and beauty "Miss and Mister Student of the Saratov region 2022" took place on April 4, 2022. The best students of the region's universities took part in it.
The contestants demonstrated their skills, erudition, charm and wit in several categories: video presentation, creative number, intellectual contest "My future profession", fashion show "Evening style".
According to the decision of the jury of the contest which consisted of the representatives of the Ministry of Youth policy and sports of the region, professionals in the creative sphere, public figures, winners of international and Russian festivals and competitions, the 1st year student of the Socio-economic Institute, Christina Aksenova became the owner of two titles: "Miss Student of Saratov region" and "Miss Style". The girl surprised the jury and the guests of the competition with a bright vocal performance in the image of a bird (the soundtrack to the movie "Gogol. Viy"). Now she will represent Saratov region at the All-Russian contest "Miss and Mister Student of Russia".
Batyr Kaziev, the third-year student of the Institute of Physics and Technology, became "Vice-Mister of Students of the Saratov region", "Mr. of Audience". In his creative number he told about his motivation for sport achievements, and urged everyone never to stop at what he had achieved.
Victoria Pluzhnik, a 3rd year student of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Material Sciences and Transport, was awarded the title of ”Miss Grace”. With her bright performance and charm she once again proved the deserved title "Miss Saratov 2021".
Ilya Vyazovchenko, the third-year student of the Socio-Economic Institute, became the owner of the title "Mr. Style". At Polytechnic, he is regularly engaged in creativity in the collective "Balance team". At the contest he presented a dance number in a duet.
We congratulate the winners and wish them further creative success and bright victories!