SSTU foreign students took part in the relay race
Sergei Timakov military technical relay race was held at SSTU on April 30, 2021. This relay race has being organized at the university for many years and is dedicated to SSTU graduate Sergei Timakov. He was an active representative of the university and died during the fighting in World War II in 1942. After the war, the institute prize for sporting achievements was established in his honor. Since then, every year on the Victory Day’s eve SSTU students compete for this prize.
The relay race consisted of 12 stages: running 200 m, running 400 m, assembling (disassembling) an assault rifle, carrying a wounded man, grenade throwing. 9 teams of 15 people each from all SSTU institutes took part in the competition. The first place was taken by the team of Institute of Urban Planning, Architecture & Civil Engineering.
Foreign students Stefan Puo (Cote d'Ivoire) and Daria Berberya (Kazakhstan) took an active part in the relay race.