Student of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov will take part in competition for VII Russian-Chinese Youth Forum "Volga-Yangtze" in November, 2021

On October 4, 2021, the regional qualifying stage of the VII Russian-Chinese Youth Forum "Volga-Yangtze" was held. Full event will take place on November 10-11, 2021 in the format of a videoconference. In total, 4 reports were selected from the regionn, 1 in each direction of the forum. In the nomination "Science and Innovation", a report by Yulia Yakimovich, a student of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Transport (group b-BIST-41) on the topic "Research of a diamond-like coating on a metal bracket" was selected. Her work was aimed at competitive selection at the level of the Volga Federal District to speak at the forum.
Being among the speakers from the region at the Volga-Yangtze International Youth Forum is honorable, exciting and interesting. I think that our region will be the most active participant of the forum! Getting new knowledge and sharing experience is always useful for interpersonal and international relations, and the forum is the best platform for this.
The “Volga-Yangtze” format of Russian-Chinese cooperation is being implemented as part of the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation to further strengthen and diversify ties between the subjects of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. At the meeting of the Council for Interregional Cooperation in the “Volga–Yangtze” format on June 16, 2017 in Hefei (China), an agreement was signed on the establishment of the Association of Universities of the Volga Federal District and provinces of the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River of China. Currently, the Association of “Volga-Yangtze” Universities includes about 80 Russian and Chinese higher education institutions. One of the key areas of this cooperation is the holding of the Russian-Chinese Youth Forum. Traditionally, more than 300 talented students representing higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China become participants of the Forum.