Students of Russian language courses learned about the history of the university

A series of excursions to the museum complex of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov continues for foreign students. Natalia Lazareva, Deputy Head of the Cultural and Educational Center "Museum Space" of SSTU, conducted the excursion for foreign students of Russian language courses.
For the convenience of students who have recently started to learn Russian, Alexei Muratov, a member of the International Communications Department of the University, aired a simultaneous interpretation of the tour in Arabic.
In all, the University Museum of History has more than 2,000 exhibits telling about the achievements of the Institute, its leaders, distinguished scholars, graduates and their role in the history of the country and the region.
Foreign students were told how the university developed from the moment of its foundation to this day. They found out with great interest that the history of Politech began in 1930 when Saratov State Automobile and Road Institute appeared in the region. During more than 90 years of its development the institute grew into a biggest scientific and educational center of Russia - Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. A special place in the exposition is given to the materials about the participation of the teachers and students in the Great Patriotic War.
As a reminder, International Students Association was set up at SSTU with the main goal to help international students to adapt and socialize during their studies at the university as well as to strengthen mutual understanding and build trusting relationships. International students and students of Russian language courses visit theaters, museums and places of interest of Saratov and Engels, become active participants in scientific and creative life of the university.