The application Mezhnatsaccelerator 2.0

All-Russian social movement Youth Assembly of the Peoples of Russia "WE ARE RUSSIANS" launched the online application Mezhnatsaccelerator 2.0. The project is being implemented within the framework of solving the problems of strengthening interethnic relations in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. The application was launched within the framework of the Mezhnatsaccelerator 2.0 project with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund.
"Mezhnatsaccelerator 2.0" is an application for people working in the field of ethnic relations and interested in this topic. In the application you can find colleagues from other cities and always stay in touch with them, as well as always keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of interethnic relations and receive news about grants, conferences and training programs. In the application, you can share your project, find like-minded people, get an expert assessment, and help colleagues with the development of their projects.
You can download the application here.