The International Arabic Language Day

On December 20, 2021 there was held the Day of Arabic Poetry at the "Tochka kipeniya" of the region's supporting university - Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, the event was dedicated to the International Arabic Language Day.
The World Arabic Language Day is celebrated every year on December 18 Exactly on that day in 1973 the decision was made to include the Arabic language into the official and working languages of the UN General Assembly. Arabic is one of the most wide-spread languages in the world with over 400 million people speaking it every day.
The event was opened by Tatiana Kasaeva, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Cooperation with Authorities of the Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov:
"The Arabic Language Day is very important and significant for our university, as one third of foreign students of the technical university are native speakers of Arabic. Today we have gathered here to listen to some beautiful Arabic poetry. It is very encouraging that our foreign students are creative people. They have gladly accepted the proposal to organize this event, and they wanted to share their culture with all of us. I am sure that we will have many more events of this kind in the future within the framework of the International Students Association."
Arab civilization has greatly influenced development of world science. Special attention should be paid to contribution of Arab researchers and thinkers in development of mathematics, algebra, medicine, philosophy and astronomy. Today it is the Arabic poetry that may be called a link between contemporary culture and the rich heritage of Arabic civilization.
Vadim Ilyasov, candidate of philological sciences, guest of the event made a report on the formation of Arabic philology and the influence of poetry on all spheres of Arabic society.
"It is impossible to imagine Arab culture without Arabic poetry. All Arab culture is based on Arabic poetry. From ancient times, Arabic poetry was the only method of transmission between the tribes that gathered once a year, on the pre-Islamic pilgrimage. For fear of losing this unique genre, scholars have created standards and templates by which all Arabic poetry is built today. If we talk about the Arabic language in general, we can say that the Arabic language is the language of culture. Its multiple meanings are fascinating. With one letter you can express the meaning of a whole sentence," said Vadim Ilyasov.
The spectators were also introduced to the art of Arabic calligraphy: a beautiful writing of letters based on the Arabic alphabet to show the beauty and versatility of the Arabic language.
Alexei Muratov, the expert of the International Communications Department of the Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, opened the theme of love in Arabic poetry, and spoke about the most famous Arabic poets.
Algerian post-graduate student Fouad Bougherara recited in Arabic the work of Alexander Pushkin "I remember a wonderful moment. Afterwards Fouad told the guests about the digitalization of Arabic and its integration into modern computer systems.
Graduate student Osama Jburi gave a historical excursus and told about his hometown in Iraq, which is located near the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon. He highlighted the role of Hammurabi, king of Babylon, in the development of Arab civilization. Today, the norms Hammurabi outlined are present in modern law.
One of the centers of literary creativity of the Arab East was Egypt. Gad Kiroulos, SSTU student from Egypt, told about the history of the country - from the ancient Egyptian civilization to the present day.