The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economic Development Priorities in the Context of Digitalisation" was held at the Socio-Economic Institite of SSTU

On November 30, 2021 the International scientific-practical conference "Economic Development Priorities in the Context of Digitalization" was held at the Socio-economic Institute of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov.
Nikolai Yashin, Deputy Director of Socio-economic Institute on scientific work, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics and Marketing, made a welcoming speech on behalf of the SSTU administration. Nikolai Yashin underlined the importance of research and discussion of challenges, main trends, priorities and solutions of economic development problems in the context of digital transformation.
There were scientists from other countries: Prof. Robert Rieg (Aalen University, Germany), Pshikova Aigul, PhD and Msc. in Economics, University of Glasgow (Scotland), Project Manager Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany), certified PMP, Agile-coach, Irina Kalinovskaya, PhD student, Vitebsk State Technological University, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus, as well as representatives from Ministry of Economic Development of Saratov region. In addition to the traditional forms of presentations, there were online presentations by scientists from leading Russian universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labour of the Russian Ministry of Labour, Volgograd State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health Care).
Evgeniya Tokareva, the Head of International Realtions Department added: «We are pleased to have a long-standing partnership with Aalen University and grateful that professor Rieg has joined the conference today with significant research about the firm's digitalization. We also hope to resume academic mobility in the near future and to be able to invite our colleagues to participate in conferences and programmes in person. To all conference participants, in my turn, I wish you success in your work on the topic of the transition to digitalization».
The plenary session discussed the essence, trends, factors and effects of digitalization, indicators of economic development of countries and regions, lifelong learning, impact of digitalization on quality of life and personnel competencies and other issues.
The results of the conference will be published and placed in the RISC collection of materials.